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All About Social Security

For many families in the disability community, life can seem very complicated & it can be possible to feel that there is no one that they can ask for help. 

Applying for Social Security (SSI & SSDI) can seem complicated; luckily there are several resources to help you through the process. 

**A word to the wise: Applying is FREE on the official website; beware of the many scams out there offering help and charging fees!

Following is a list of helpful resources:

CNBC Video

Social Security Administration

Marasco & Nesselbush Law Office Guides

Still need support?

Your local Social Security office lists legal referral services and non-profit organizations (such as legal aid services and local bar associations, meal assistance and more) that either provide services free of charge or help you find a representative. After selecting the zip code of your local Social Security office, look for Local Agencies on the page that can assist with these and other support services in your community.

FREE SS Advocacy & Support services