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(517) 220-0306

Parent Peer Support Group

For many parents of children on the autism spectrum, life can seem very different and distant from the experiences of many other families and it can be possible to feel that there is no way that they can ask for or expect other people to understand their experiences. This group is led by parents and does not offer professional advice.

The Autism Society hosts an inclusive Parent Peer Support Group where parents share experiences, get information and advice, make community connections, and research opportunities for services and provisions for their children. The group also has a lot of fun as we talk about the issues, both big and small, that we face. Parents with children of all ages and abilities are represented.

Typically meets from 5:30 – 7:00pm monthly on the fourth Friday. Group meets Virtually.

  • This parent-peer support group is not led by a licensed therapist.
  • This group does NOT fulfill any court-ordered credits for parenting classes.

If you would like to be put on the email information list (in which you will receive the zoom links for each session) please complete the form below: